Tuesday, October 27, 2009

DIY Massage and Why it Makes a Difference

By Amy Price PhD

Dr. Tiffany Field, a clinical and developmental psychologist with the University of Miami, Fielding Graduate institute and Nova South Eastern university found in her research that touch in the form of massage reduced cortisol levels, increased dopamine and serotonin levels leading to improved outcomes in the hippocampus region and so increases the capacity for cognition as verified by psychometrics and pet scans. She explains the gate theory, apparently pressure and cold precede receptors for pain so therefore massage has the capacity to close the pain gate. Massage also reduces substance P a known pain receptor. Clinical improvements were noted in all individuals with pain, including, asthmatics autistic, ADHD, aggression and TBI. Often people with cognitive or biological abnormalities slip through the system however a therapy as simple as massage can improve outcomes to increase learning 

There are some effective, short easy to learn  free massage videos that show how a friend or family member can help out when you are unable to get to a massage therapist

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